• What inspired you to bring Slipfree® to the UK?

As parents ourselves, we could absolutely identify how amazing Slipfree shoes were. We first found the product in Turkey as we had a real need for something that protected our children from the burning hot floors (it was August!) and the sharp pool tiles as well as the dangers of slipping as they hurtled round the pool at breakneck speed in their excitement to play the game 'It'. when we returned from our holiday we continued to find fantastic uses for Slipfree in so many places from soft play to our weekly swimming lessons and in the garden when the water play comes out. So many people asked us where we got our little shoes from and we knew we had to bring Slipfree to the parents of the UK and IRL.

  • How does being a parent influence the way you run Slipfree®?

Having children of different ages and stages and understanding the needs of parents as their children grow and explore really ensures that we put the customer at the heart of all our decisions at Slipfree.

  • What’s your favourite Slipfree® design and why?

Jo loves neon colours generally in life and for Slipfree these really do stand out both in and out of the water and Lou loves our foil print range of shiny mermaid prints that are so magical and sparkly

  • What’s your favourite family holiday destination?

We absolutely love Turkey. As sisters and business partners, we are super fortunate to also be best friends (as are our husbands) so it makes for a perfect family group getaway with our 4 children of different ages. We love the food, the weather, the people and the stunning scenery.

  • Apart from Slipfree®, what are your parenting holiday hacks?

We have always split our packing amongst different cases just in case a bag goes missing (which it did once!)

Create little individual mini travel bags for on the plane to keep you organised; one with snacks, one with colouring, one with new toys to keep them excited. Stickers & toys they can unwrap are also fun. 

Travel sachets of Calpol are perfect for potential sore ears whilst up in the air. 

  • What’s your go-to activity for family fun on a rainy day?

Ah so important to always have plenty of activities lined up for such weather in the UK! When my children were younger we would always seek out an indoor swimming pool with slides, they absolutely loved it, and I absolutely loved how tired it made them, they were always fast asleep in the car on the way home! Also love a family  trip to the cinema when it's pouring outside, we have been known to rest our eyes while the kids are enjoying their popcorn or a good soft play was always a favourite particularly if it had a football room for my footie mad boys.

  • What’s the most rewarding part of running Slipfree® UK?

Seeing the feedback from our customers as to how important these shoes are to them and how they are an absolute lifesaver and stopped their children slipping and falling.

  • What is a the day in the life of a Slipfree® director like?

Every day is different but never dull. We usually both start with the obligatory school run filled with roadworks and forgotten snacks or homework.... we may then be in meetings with retailers, or at a photoshoot for some new content, we may be in meetings to discuss new designs or new marketing strategies to ensure we strive to achieve our mission of keeping as many children safe as possible. In the evening you could usually find us taxi-ing the children to after school activities with some dinner squeezed in somewhere and often a car call between us both to discuss all things Slipfree ready for the next day!